Saturday, October 31, 2009


  1. I love your ribbon nail art. I wish I knew how to do ribbon. How do you do it?

  2. Jaclyn- Ribbon isn't as hard as it looks... It's easiest if you don't cut the ribbon off of the spool until you're completely done gluing. While still on the spool, cut off the edges that have any threading or sewing. Cut more than needed in length. Measure it to the nail. Then glue half of it on and press it to the nail til it dries. Glue on the remaining half. Once dry cut off any extra ribbon hanging over the edge of the nail. Try not to have any ribbon right next to any cuticle or too close to the edge of the nail to refrain from fraying (SP?). I hope this made sense. If not give me a call :)

  3. PS. Ribbon on the diagonal is put on before any acrylic. Cap ribbon in acrylic (preferrrable clear)and then do the rest of the nail in acrylic as usual. If ribbon is put on straight across the tip, apply all acrylic first, drill out a strip of acrylic across the tip of the nail, apply ribbon (glue one half, dry, glue other half etc), and then cap in clear. :)
